Interurban Hotel - Tukwila, WA
Our techs have been working hard on several DAS projects related to the new Puget Sound Emergency Radio Network (PSERN).
They recently worked on a PSERN service upgrade for the Interurban Hotel. Techs moved and re-fed an existing panel, installed a new transformer, and 200 Amp panel and wired rooftop units for two split units to keep the equipment in the room cool.

Historic Building – Code Compliance
Historic building that failed the initial coverage study test for Emergency Responder Communication Enhancement Systems (ERCES). We remediated the areas that failed the test which were the basement and backstage areas only. Installed a code compliant Class A BDA, battery backup, and passive DAS.

Large Condo/High-Rise – Code Compliance
Building is over 1,000,000 sf, initial BDA, Fiber Remotes, Battery Backup failing. The initial system was put in almost 15 years ago. The BDA & battery backup no longer complies with code. Installed a class A BDA & BBU for code compliance. Fiber remotes will need replacement in the future.

Hotel – New Construction
Pretty standard new construction six story hotel, approximately 102,000 sf. The hotel is located in an area where the donor signal was very low. Coordinated with the neighboring AHJ to get approval to use their site as a donor site. Installed a custom antenna for a better donor signal.

Self-Storage Facility – New Construction
Public safety DAS installation for a three-story facility. The owner and general contractor were unaware of the ERCES requirement, we were able to rush the system in before the building turnover. 700/800 MHz, Comba BDA.

Assisted Living Apartments – New Construction
New construction, six story, mixed use building with 66,500 sf. Installed a Comba 800 MHz public safety DAS.

Apartment/Residential Building – New Construction
3 separate six story apartment buildings, at roughly 105,000 sf each, with 60,000 sf below grade shared parking. We installed BDA’s in each building per the customers’ request.

Municipal Government Buildings – New Construction
Recently completed several projects for a City. One is a Justice Center building composed of a courthouse and police station, which were about 47,000 sf.
We’ve also completed two fire stations that needed ERCES enhancements at approx. 13,000 and 17,500 sf respectively.
All were 800 MHz public safety DAS using COMBA BDA’s.

School District – Building Retrofit
Replaced an outdated broadband BDA with a channelized BDA by COMBA to meet new PSERN requirements. Also replaced a battery backup unit that had failed inspection.